Top Researcher: "Save Your Foot and Reverse Tingling with This Simple Home Ritual?"

Top researchers have recently uncovered the hidden root cause of neuropathy—the burning, tingling, and numbness that threatens your feet and legs...


Dr. Macasadia has just revealed that neuropathy is caused by a group of brain cells called “microglia” that trigger the cycle of neuroinflammation.


It's neuroinflammation which then creates a toxic, nerve-destroying enzyme to flow through your nerves, destroying them and creating the burning, tingling and numb feeling in your feet and legs.


Left unchecked, this nerve damage can lead to irreversible consequences—including the dreaded possibility of amputation.


After studying the habits of the elusive Masa'i tribe, researchers developed a natural ritual that safely and easily flushes out the toxic nerve-destroying enzymes, which ultimately repairs, heals and regrow damaged nerves.


This remedy could reverse tingling and burning better than any dangerous surgery or expensive medication...


...but is ultra simple and can be done in just 10 seconds at home.


Click the button below to see how just one small tweak to your daily routine can start targeting the root cause of neuropathy and possibly fix years of tingling, burning sensations and the growing threat of amputation..


This video has been taken down by the pharmaceutical industry multiple times, so click to watch it now before it's too late.

Scientific References

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